Results for 'K. Friis Johansen'

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  1. Platons filosofi.K. Friis Johansen - 1966 - [København]: Gad.
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  2. The Concept of Nature in Democritus.K. Friis Johansen - 1986 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 23:148-167.
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    A history of ancient philosophy: from the beginnings to Augustine.K. Friis Johansen - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    This book discusses key philosophical concepts and ideologies, including ontology, epistemology, logic, semantics, moral and political philosophy, theology and aesthetics during classical antiquity. Karsten Friis Johansen charts the history of ancient philosophy from the mythological oral tradition, Homer and early tragedy, to the giants of Plato and Aristotle through to paganism and the genesis of Christianity. A History of Ancient Philosophy also presents detailed analysis of individual ancient philosophers and interpretations and commentary on key philosophical passages.
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  4. Den Europæske Filosofis Historie.Sten Ebbesen, K. Friis Johansen, Søen Hansen, Jøgen Hass & Carl Henrik Koch - 1991
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    A History of Ancient Philosophy: From the Beginning to Augustine.Karsten Friis Johansen - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    Translated by Henrik Rosenmeier, _A History of Ancient Philosophy_ charts the origins and development of ancient philosophical thought. For easy reference, the book is divided chronologically into six main parts. The sections are further divided into philosophers and philosophical movements: *Pre-Socratic Philosophy, including mythology, the Pythagoreans and Parmenides *The Great Century of Athens, including the Sophists and Socrates *Plato, including The Republic, The Symposium and The Timaeus *Aristotle, including The Physics, The Metaphysics and The Poetics *Hellenistic Philosophy, including the Sceptics, (...)
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  6. Studier over Platons Parmenides i dens forhold til tidligere platoniske dialoger.Friis Johansen & Karsten[From Old Catalog] - 1964 - København,: Munksgaard.
  7. The concept of nature in democritus1.Karsten Friis Johansen - 1986 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 23:148.
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  8. Capacity and Potentiality: Aristotle’s Metaphysics Θ.6–7 from the Perspective of the De Anima.Thomas K. Johansen - 2012 - Topoi 31 (2):209-220.
    The notion of a capacity in the sense of a power to bring about or undergo change plays a key role in Aristotle’s theories about the natural world. However, in Metaphysics Θ Aristotle also extends ‘ capacity ’, and the corresponding concept of ‘activity’, to cases where we want to say that something is in capacity, or in activity, such and such but not, or not directly, in virtue of being capable of initiating or undergoing change. This paper seeks to (...)
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  9. Aristotle on the Sense-Organs.T. K. Johansen - 1997 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers an important study of Aristotle's theory of the sense-organs. It aims to answer two questions central to Aristotle's psychology and biology: why does Aristotle think we have sense-organs, and why does he describe the sense-organs in the way he does? The author looks at all the Aristotelian evidence for the five senses and shows how pervasively Aristotle's accounts of the sense-organs are motivated by his interest in form and function. The book also engages with the celebrated problem (...)
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  10.  55
    A triptych in Plato's timaeus: A note on the receptacle passage.T. K. Johansen - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (2):885-886.
    At Timaeus 48e2–52d4 Timaeus sets out to establish that there are three principles or kinds underlying the creation of the cosmos, not just the two he acknowledged earlier. The way he does so is not simply by adding an account of the third kind to the accounts of being and becoming that he has already given. Rather he does so by showing how each of the three differs from the others. It has not been noticed how this procedure structures the (...)
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  11.  49
    Aristotle on the Common Sense, by Pavel Gregoric.T. K. Johansen - 2009 - Mind 118 (472):1138-1141.
  12.  31
    Review of Monte ransome Johnson, Aristotle on Teleology[REVIEW]T. K. Johansen - 2006 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2006 (6).
  13.  15
    Hankinson Cause and Explanation in Ancient Greek Thought. Oxford UP, 1999. Pp. xiii+ 499. 0198237456.T. K. Johansen - 2001 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 121:179-180.
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    From Plato's timaeus to Aristotle's de caelo: The case of the missing world soul.Thomas K. Johansen - 2009 - In Alan C. Bowen & Christian Wildberg, New Perspectives on Aristotle’s De Caelo. Brill. pp. 1--9.
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    (1 other version)The Timaeus on the Principles of Cosmology.Thomas K. Johansen - 2008 - In Gail Fine, The Oxford Handbook of Plato. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Understanding of principles forms the basis of mastering Greek Philosophy. This article focuses on the idea of Principled Knowledge. Plato, too, seems to hold that grasping a body of knowledge requires a grasp of its principles. One example is the Republic where Socrates explains the image of the line. He has divided the line into two sections, the intelligible and the perceptible. The Timaeus, like the Republic, emphasizes the need for us to grasp the proper principle of our disciplines of (...)
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    Parts in Aristotle’s Definition of Soul: De Anima Books I and II.Thomas K. Johansen - 2014 - In Dominik Perler & Klaus Corcilius, Ockham on Emotions in the Divided Soul. Berlin & New York: De Gruyter. pp. 39-62.
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    Salience Not Status: How Category Labels Influence Feature Inference.Mark K. Johansen, Justin Savage, Nathalie Fouquet & David R. Shanks - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (7):1594-1621.
    Two main uses of categories are classification and feature inference, and category labels have been widely shown to play a dominant role in feature inference. However, the nature of this influence remains unclear, and we evaluate two contrasting hypotheses formalized as mathematical models: the label special-mechanism hypothesis and the label super-salience hypothesis. The special-mechanism hypothesis is that category labels, unlike other features, trigger inference decision making in reference to the category prototypes. This results in a tendency for prototype-compatible inferences because (...)
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  18.  11
    The Practicing Workshop: A Development Project.Guro Gravem Johansen & Siw Graabræk Nielsen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Influence of single‐room accommodation on nursing care: A realistic evaluation.Susanne Friis Søndergaard, Anne Bendix Andersen, Raymond Kolbæk, Kirsten Beedholm & Kirsten Frederiksen - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12585.
    Nowadays, it is common that newly built hospitals are designed with single‐room accommodation, unlike in the past, where shared accommodation was the favoured standard. Despite this change in hospital design, very little is known about how single‐room accommodation affects nurses' work environment and nursing care. This study evaluates how the single‐room design affects nurses and nursing care in the single‐room hospital design. Nurses working in the single‐room design predominantly work alone with little opportunity for peer training, interaction and reflection. In (...)
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    Perception T. Schirren: Aisthesis vor Platon. Eine semantisch-systematische Untersuchung zum Problem der Wahrnehmung . Pp. xxvi + 286. Stuttgart and Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1998. Cased. ISBN: 3-519-107666-. [REVIEW]T. K. Johansen - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (02):304-.
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    J. L. A CKRILL : Essays on Plato and Aristotle . Pp. ix + 231. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. Cased, £32.50. ISBN: 0-19-823641-. [REVIEW]T. K. Johansen - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (1):275-275.
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    Plato's Cosmology and Its Ethical Dimensions. [REVIEW]T. K. Johansen - 2007 - The Classical Review 57 (1):37-38.
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    Holger Friis Johansen: General Reflection in Tragic Rhesis. A Study of Form. Pp. 198. Copenhagen:Munksgaard, 1959. Paper, Kr. 30. [REVIEW]D. W. Lucas - 1960 - The Classical Review 10 (03):255-.
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    Common to body and soul: philosophical approaches to explaining living behaviour.R. A. H. King, E. Hussey, R. Dilcher, D. O'Brien, T. Buchheim, P.-M. Morel, T. K. Johansen, R. W. Sharples, C. Rapp, C. Gill & R. J. Hankinson - unknown
    The volume presents essays on the philosophical explanation of the relationship between body and soul in antiquity from the Presocratics to Galen. The title of the volume alludes to a phrase found in Plato, Aristotle and Plotinus, referring to aspects of living behaviour involving both body and soul, and is a commonplace in ancient philosophy, dealt with in very different ways by different authors.
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    Aeschylus' Supplices - H. Friis Johansen and Ole Smith: Aeschylus, The Suppliants. Vol. i. Pp. 171. Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1970. Cloth. [REVIEW]A. F. Garvie - 1973 - The Classical Review 23 (1):21-22.
  26. Cosmology and Psychology in the Timaeus.Thomas Johansen - 2005 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:271-278.
    A Critical Notice of Filip Karfík, Die Beseelung des Kosmos. Untersuchungen zur Kosmologie, Seelenlehre und Theologiein Platons Phaidon und Timaios, K. G. Saur Verlag, München/Leipzig 2004.
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    A History of Greek Philosophy Karsten Friis Johansen: Den europaeiske filosofis historie. Bind I, Antikken. Pp. 851; 29 figs and diagrams. Copenhagen: Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck, 1991. Cased. [REVIEW]G. B. Kerferd - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (01):74-75.
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    Review of A History of Ancient Philosophy: From the Beginnings to Augustine, by Karsten Friis Johansen, trans. Hendrik Rosenmeier. [REVIEW]David Guetter - 2001 - Essays in Philosophy 2 (1):24-27.
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    Det uomtvistelige: fem samtaler med Helmut Friis.K. E. Løgstrup - 1984 - [Vejen]: Askov Højskole. Edited by Helmut Friis.
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  30.  83
    Describing ancient philosophy K. F. Johansen: A history of ancient philosophy: From the beginnings to Augustine . (Trans. H. Rosenmeier.) Pp. XII + 685. London and new York: Routledge, 1998 (first published in danish, 1991). Cased, £85. Isbn: 0-415-12738-. [REVIEW]George Boys-Stones - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (01):138-.
  31. Johansen, T. K. Aristotle on the Sense-organs. Cambridge UP, 1998. Pp. xvi + 304 (review). [REVIEW]Jeffrey Alan Towey - 1999 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 119:192-193.
    Review of T. K. Johansen's book Aristotle on the sense organs. Aristotle seeks to explain the characteristics of the different sense organs by reference to the goal that they serve, that of enabling animals to perceive. A material basis is necessary for sense perception but it is an open question whether the material in question undergoes a physiological change.
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  32. T.K. Johansen, Aristotle On The Sense-organs. [REVIEW]Victor Caston - 2001 - Philosophy in Review 21:127-129.
  33.  37
    Ib Friis;, Michael Harbsmeier;, Jørgen Bæk Simonsen . Early Scientific Expeditions and Local Encounters: New Perspectives on Carsten Niebuhr and “The Arabian Journey”: Proceedings of a Symposium on the Occasion of the 250th Anniversary of the Royal Danish Expedition to Arabia Felix. 252 pp., illus., tables, bibls., index. Copenhagen: Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 2013. DKK 300. [REVIEW]Jan Marten Ivo Klaver - 2015 - Isis 106 (3):722-723.
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    T. K. Johansen, Plato's Natural Philosophy: A Study of the Timaeus-Critias. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Pp. vi+218. ISBN 0-521-79067-0. £45.00 . Monte Ransome Johnson, Aristotle on Teleology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp. xi+339. ISBN 0-19-928530-6. £45.00. [REVIEW]Daryn Lehoux - 2008 - British Journal for the History of Science 41 (1):129-130.
  35. rec.: T.K. Johansen, Plato's Natural Philosophy. A Stdy of the TImaeus-Critias (Cambridge 2005).Mauro Bonazzi - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 61:1062-1065.
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    Sense-Organs T. K. Johansen: Aristotle on the Sense-Organs . Pp. xvi + 304. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Cased, £37.50/$59.95. ISBN: 0-521-58338-. [REVIEW]John E. Sisko - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (01):122-.
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    Views on techne in ancient philosophy - (t.K.) Johansen (ed.) Productive knowledge in ancient philosophy. The concept of technê. Pp. XIV + 316. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2021. Cased, £75, us$99.99. Isbn: 978-1-108-48584-5. [REVIEW]Edmund Stewart - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (1):51-53.
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    Westphal's Transposition in Aeschylus, Supplices 86–95.N. B. Booth - 1974 - Classical Quarterly 24 (02):207-.
    Westphal wished to transpose lines 88–90 and 93–5 of the Supplices. This transposition has been supported recently by R. D. Dawe , by Holger Friis Johansen in C. & M. xxvii , 43–4 , and by Sir Denys Page . However, the transposition gains little support from a careful examination of the language and context of the passage, as I shall now proceed to demonstrate. I discussed the whole passage previously in my article ‘Aeschylus Supplices 86–95’, Classical Philology, (...)
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    The arming of Achilleus on early Greek vases.Steven Lowenstam - 1993 - Classical Antiquity 12 (2):199-223.
    This article is a critique of Friis Johansen's thesis that twelve Greek vases painted between 570 and 550 B.C. depict a first arming in Phthia. Details that Friis Johansen considered representative of domestic settings are shown to appear in other contexts too. Friis Johansen, who based much of his argument on a plate by Lydos depicting Achilleus, Thetis, Peleus, and Neoptolemos, problematically assumed that all the other early vases portraying Achilleus's arming must represent the (...)
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    Plato's Natural Philosophy (review).Harold Tarrant - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (1):150-151.
    Harold Tarrant - Plato's Natural Philosophy - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45:1 Journal of the History of Philosophy 45.1 150-151 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Harold Tarrant University of Newcastle, Australia Thomas K. Johansen. Plato's Natural Philosophy. Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Pp. vi + 218. Cloth, $75.00. This major study of the philosophy of the Timaeus—provided with excellent argumentation, a fine bibliography, and useful indices—is of wider significance to the interpretation of Plato (...)
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  41. Κοπιδων αρχηγοσ.K. Reinhardt - 1928 - Hermes 63 (4):107-110.
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  42. History of Science as a Natural Process?K. Bayertz - 1981 - Scientia 75 (16):285.
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  43. Bolzanos struggles for the edition and appreciation of his wissenschaftslehre.K. Berka & B. Prokesova - 1979 - Filosoficky Casopis 27 (5):697-725.
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  44. The metaphysics of Carnap, Rudolf.K. Berka - 1991 - Filosoficky Casopis 39 (4):644-659.
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    A Theory of "Fuzzy" Edge Detection in the Light of Human Visual System.K. Ghosh, S. Sarkar & K. Bhaumik - 2008 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 17 (1-3):229-246.
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    Marx' breuk met Hegel.K. Boey - 1972 - Bijdragen 33 (4):436-452.
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    Moral distress and protective work environment for healthcare workers during public health emergencies.K. Bondjers, Alve K. Glad, H. Wøien, T. Wentzel-Larsen, D. Atar, S. K. Reitan, J. A. la RosselandZwart, G. Dyb & SØ Stensland - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    Public health emergencies, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, put great pressure on healthcare workers (HCW) across the world, possibly increasing the risk of experiencing ethically challenging situations (ECS). Whereas experiencing ECS as a HCW in such situations is likely unavoidable, mitigation of their adverse effects (e.g., moral distress) is necessary to reduce the risk of long-term negative consequences. One possible route of mitigation of these effects is via work environmental factors. The current study aimed to examine: [1] risk factors associated (...)
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    X. Kritische bemerkungen zu Sophokles.K. Boysen & K. Walter - 1884 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 42 (2):266-274.
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    Articulatory evidence for syllabic structure.K. G. Munhall & J. A. Jones - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):524-525.
    Because the evolution of speech production is beyond our expertise (and perhaps beyond everyone's expertise) we restrict our comments to areas in which data actually exist. We provide articulatory evidence consistent with the claims made about syllable structure in adult speech and infant babbling, but we also voice some disagreement about speech errors and the typing data.
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    Evidence of emergent scaling in mechanical systems.K. D. Murphy, G. W. Hunt & D. P. Almond - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (21-22):3325-3338.
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